100 Prayers to Share to Celebrate Life

100 Prayers to Share to Celebrate Life


Know someone who just graduated, got married, has an anniversary, had a baby, got that promotion, has a birthday or any special occasion? It's time to celebrate the occasion! You can let your friends and family know how happy you are for them and just how much you care about them! Prayers to Sharegives you 100 opportunities to rejoice with the people you care about, sharing God's promises, praises and His abundant blessings and goodness.

Each tear out postcard has a heartfelt prayer, a meaningful Bible verse, and an inspirational quote with bright, fun artwork. These cards are a wonderful way to brighten someone's day or celebrate any occasion. The pages make it easy just tear and share a prayer!

Fun ways to share prayer notes:

  • Hand-deliver it with flowers

  • Tape it to the bathroom mirror

  • Pop it into a loved one s bag or briefcase

  • Slip it under their door

  • Leave it (along with a tip) for your server

  • Tuck it under a windshield wiper

There are so many ways to spread God s hope and if you wish there is space on the back of your prayer note for your own personal handwritten message.

May the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. --Romans 15:13 NKJV

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100 Prayers to Share Bible Promises pass4.jpg
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100 Prayers to Share Bible Promises

100 Prayers to Share; Encouraging Notes 91YCiDURLaL.jpg
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100 Prayers to Share; Encouraging Notes

100 Prayers to Share; Empowering Notes for Kids 9150324jUXL.jpg
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100 Prayers to Share; Empowering Notes for Kids

100 Prayers to Share; Healing 71a6fiOEWoL.jpg
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100 Prayers to Share; Healing

100 Prayers to Share; Be Still and know 41fwhMn3ggL.jpg
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100 Prayers to Share; Be Still and know
