100 Prayers to Share the Love

100 Prayers to Share the Love


Who doesn't need a reminder of how much they are truly loved?

Prayers to Share: 100 Pass-Along Notes to Share the Love gives you 100 opportunities to let the people in your life know they are loved. You can express how how much you love and appreciate them while reminding them of the depths of God's love for them. His unfailing love holds them whether it's their best day or worst moment. Let your friends, family and even acquaintances know you are thinking of them, praying for them and they are not alone. God is faithful, present every day and longs to offer His unconditional love and strength no matter what life brings.

Each tear out postcard has a heartfelt prayer, a meaningful Bible verse, and an inspirational quote with beautiful artwork. These cards are a wonderful way to brighten someone s day and remind them of our Heavenly Father who is rich in mercy and abounding in love. The pages make it easy just tear and share a prayer!

Fun ways to share prayer notes:

  • Hand-deliver it with flowers

  • Tape it to the bathroom mirror

  • Pop it into a loved one s bag or briefcase

  • Slip it under their door

  • Leave it (along with a tip) for your server

  • Tuck it under a windshield wiper

There are so many ways to spread God's hope and love. If you wish there is also space on the back of your prayer note for your own personal handwritten note.

Let all that you do be done with love. I Corinthians 16:14 NKJV

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