30 Stories for Boys with God Sized Dreams

30 Stories for Boys with God Sized Dreams


Thirty true stories of courageous men changed the world. These historically significant men were once little boys with God-sized dreams and just like them God has a calling for your child too. Times were not easy for these heroic men but they trusted God even though they were afraid, didn't have all the answers, or know where to go or what to do but God always led them through their trials. God gives us each a purpose and He will shine through giving the courage we need to change lives.

What God did through the inspirational lives of these amazing men, He can do through your child. These exciting stories that will inspire young hearts to dream, to love, to help others and to be brave and courageous because God has huge plans for them as they grow into men who will change the world.

Here are some of the iconic men they will experience along with guided prayers for boys to pray for their own life.

  • Reformer Martin Luther 

  • Author J. R. R. Tolkien

  • Evangelist Billy Graham

  • Civil Rights Leader Martin Luther King

  • Author C. S. Lewis

  • Athlete Eric Liddell

  • Missionary Hudson Taylor

  • President Abraham Lincoln

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