Promises from God's Heart Journal

Promises from God's Heart Journal


God has made pledges straight from His heart to yours. God's got a perfect record for keeping His promises.

He hears your every prayer today and vows to give you hope that you can believe in. If you are trying to overcome fear, He promises to give you His strength. If you are hurting, He will give comfort and fill you with peace. He promises unconditional love and faithfulness, provision and grace, and so much more. No matter where you are in life or in what circumstance you find yourself you can trust his promises are always true.

In the Promises from God's Heart Promise Journal, each entry includes a promise from God with three coordinating Bible verses, and plenty of space for journaling and reflecting on God's perfect promises for your life.

''Your promises have been thoroughly tested; that is why I love them so much.'' Psalm 119:140 NLT

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